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#5460481 - 03/27/11 10:03 AM Re: Cyclists that race - training [Re: Cheesegoggles]
nato2377 Offline
Post Master Sr

Registered: 07/09/07
Posts: 3464
Loc: Denver, CO
i have another road race next weekend, its only 19 miles so after yesterdays results im looking optimistic at this next one. its mostly the same guys as todays. 19 miles is going to be a breeze.

i think road racing is definitly going to be my thing and that im going to struggle at crits as well. im going to do a few this month and see how they go.

im pretty much just using this year to race as much as possible, see what my strengths and weaknesses are then next year train to improve the weaknesses. i do this for fun too but im always competitive with everything i do, so i want to win \:D and having my 40 year old cat 4 neighbor, who is also my teamate, be just as fast as me give me something to shoot for because i cant let him be faster then me since he has 16 years on me haha

Edited by nato2377 (03/27/11 10:05 AM)

#5462898 - 03/28/11 03:11 PM Re: Cyclists that race - training [Re: nato2377]
lessthanmike Offline
Major Member

Registered: 09/01/03
Posts: 1486
Loc: Cleveland, Ohio
Has anyone trained with a powertap or computrainer?? I've been thinking about getting one or the other just not sure if I'm ready to drop the cash yet.

NOHC--D, Because she knows I couldn't get laid in a women's prison with a handful of pardons.

#5462994 - 03/28/11 03:57 PM Re: Cyclists that race - training [Re: lessthanmike]
Sir Ironpool Offline
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Registered: 03/12/01
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Loc: Long Beach, CA
 Originally Posted By: lessthanmike
Has anyone trained with a powertap or computrainer?? I've been thinking about getting one or the other just not sure if I'm ready to drop the cash yet.
I'd love to have one, but PT's are too baller for my budget. \:\(

#5467072 - 03/30/11 10:29 AM Re: Cyclists that race - training [Re: Sir Ironpool]
Senor Eduardo_82 Offline
Post Master Supreme

Registered: 01/09/03
Posts: 38036
Loc: Ca�ada
How the hell do you guys do it?

I tried Spinervals 1.0 (competition, diffculty 9.0) on the weekend and it totally kicked my ass. I probably did 40% of the entire 45 minute workout. And even then I was using lower gears than they suggested, and my trainer was only on tension 3 out of 7.


#5471995 - 04/01/11 12:29 PM Re: Cyclists that race - training [Re: Senor Eduardo_82]
nato2377 Offline
Post Master Sr

Registered: 07/09/07
Posts: 3464
Loc: Denver, CO
Salisbury Road Race tomorrow. gonna try for the W!
#5473759 - 04/02/11 02:22 PM Re: Cyclists that race - training [Re: nato2377]
nato2377 Offline
Post Master Sr

Registered: 07/09/07
Posts: 3464
Loc: Denver, CO
So had the race this morning at 9:30. The course was a 6.3 mile loop, 3 times, for a total of 19 miles. The course had rolling hills with some long gradual uphill straights and long gradual decents. The finish was a 200m long uphill Sprint. There was 35 cat5 men plus a few U19 kids. Rolled out on the start and settled in somewhere in the top 20. Sat in behind a rather large guy \:D and chilled. Over the next two laps I floated from 2nd to the back of the lead pack. On the last lap I worked my way to the front to the top 5. I was worried about getting boxed in in the back. Sat in the top 10 for the lap as the pace increased. Coming into the last turn which lead into a about half mile downhill straight before the final climb, I was back around 15th. I quickly moved up the right to the lead where I was 3 wide with 2 other guys. We start picking up the pace and as we hit the 200m sign at the bottom of the we started sprinting. I took the lead by a few yards and crested the steep part of the hill and continued the last 70 or so yards up the false flat to the finish. I saw a guy on my left and at the line he qnd another guy got me. I got 3rd by .1 seconds. The first two guys had the same time and the 2nd place guy was a U19 kid. Overall I was pumped, I'm not the strongest sprinter so to hold it that long was good for me. I probably shouldn't have led out, but I took a chance cuz I was worried about getting out sprinted. Got a nice little trophy too \:\)
#5475984 - 04/04/11 10:34 AM Re: Cyclists that race - training [Re: nato2377]
Cheesegoggles Offline
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Registered: 07/10/08
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 Originally Posted By: nato2377
I took the lead by a few yards and crested the steep part of the hill and continued the last 70 or so yards up the false flat to the finish. I saw a guy on my left and at the line he qnd another guy got me. I got 3rd by .1 seconds. The first two guys had the same time and the 2nd place guy was a U19 kid.

Good job.

I've been guilty of this too. In a weeknight training crit last year I found myself at the front as we crested the top of a hill on the last lap and probably had 300 yards to go, give or take. No one in front of me so I just drill it. I did not pay enough attention to what was going on behind me and gave two other riders a great leadout - both passed me at the line by less than half a bike length. I was definitely happy with third but also ing myself about delivering victory to someone else.

#5476206 - 04/04/11 12:40 PM Re: Cyclists that race - training [Re: Cheesegoggles]
nato2377 Offline
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Registered: 07/09/07
Posts: 3464
Loc: Denver, CO
heres the official results. .mens cat 5, im bib 559. if you check out the results, there are 18 guys who finished within 11 seconds of first. all of them composed the lead group at the end of the race and got strung out on the last straight/sprint to the finish. i was worried that if someone else led out, that i would be outsprinted. im strong on hills so my goal was to be the first over the hill with as much gap as possible and then try to hang on. worked out well until the part where i didnt hang on but oh well, i had fun \:D
#5479000 - 04/05/11 03:38 PM Re: Cyclists that race - training [Re: nato2377]
Cheesegoggles Offline
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Registered: 07/10/08
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Loc: Here
Got on the bike yesterday for the first time in ten days due to vacation. Nice way to lead into this weekend's omnium.

Plan to throw on the time trial bars today and get out for a ride to get used to them again before Saturday's time trial.

Time trial and crit on Saturday followed by road race on Sunday. Elevation profile for the road race is below - 1 mile neutral start out of town followed by a fucking wall of a hill. I did this last year and as I climbed the hill I passed people standing next to their bikes with their broken chains in their hands. Given my poor climbing ability this will not be pretty.

#5479055 - 04/05/11 03:55 PM Re: Cyclists that race - training [Re: Cheesegoggles]
nato2377 Offline
Post Master Sr

Registered: 07/09/07
Posts: 3464
Loc: Denver, CO
haha damn that is a wall. good luck though! im heading to philadelphia for the naval yard criterium on sunday. this is my first crit and its 15 miles (1.4 mile, 8 turn circuit). i dont expect to do as well as i did in the road races. my main goal is not to get dropped lol
#5488738 - 04/10/11 06:09 PM Re: Cyclists that race - training [Re: nato2377]
nato2377 Offline
Post Master Sr

Registered: 07/09/07
Posts: 3464
Loc: Denver, CO
First crit today, Philadelphia Naval Yard Crit. Flat, 1.4 miles, 8 turns. 11th out of 46. Shoulda done better but I didn't position myself well, wasn't aggressive enough and was working on 2 house of sleep and just didn't have the fire in me today

Edited by nato2377 (04/10/11 06:25 PM)

#5488763 - 04/10/11 06:37 PM Re: Cyclists that race - training [Re: nato2377]
Cheesegoggles Offline
Post Master Supreme

Registered: 07/10/08
Posts: 19073
Loc: Here
 Originally Posted By: nato2377
First crit today, Philadelphia Naval Yard Crit. Flat, 1.4 miles, 8 turns. 11th out of 46. Shoulda done better but I didn't position myself well, wasn't aggressive enough and was working on 2 house of sleep and just didn't have the fire in me today

I hate people like you. I had to bail out of my first crit after three laps due to the combination of terror and thinking my heart would explode.

Time trial and crit yesterday, and then a road race today. Mid-pack all around. Not bad for me due to the amount of climbing. Full report later since I'm going out to dinner and need to get my Garmin data uploaded.

I took this picture after I was done. If I cat up and do the road race, I'll do two laps instead of one. This is the beginning of lap #2 for those folks.

#5491230 - 04/11/11 07:30 PM Re: Cyclists that race - training [Re: Cheesegoggles]
Cheesegoggles Offline
Post Master Supreme

Registered: 07/10/08
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Loc: Here
Three race omnium over Saturday and Sunday. I raced in the Cat 4/5 group.

Saturday morning - time trial
I did this time trial last year and, before Saturday, had only done two time trials ever. I don't have a time trial bike. I just slap clip on aero bars on my road bike. No aero helmet, no booties, no skinsuit, etc. The time trial last year was well-suited for me - totally flat.

Then they decided to move it to the hills this year. Last year's course was 11.2 miles with about 150 feet of climbing. This year it was 14 miles with almost 800 feet of climbing. Not a ton of climbing, but some short steep hills that were tough. I averaged about 20 mph and finished mid-pack out of 32 riders in my category.

Stats: 20 mph, 14 miles, 775 feet of climbing, average HR of 176

Saturday morning - crit
I've never done this crit before, but I watched it last year. 1.2 mile circuit with a terrifying fast and bumpy descent down the back side and then a shitty climb back to the start/finish line. The Cat 4/5 riders would do eight laps. To top things off, it was stupid fucking hot for early April - 90 degrees at noon when I lined up.

Most crits I try to line up near the front. In this one I knew that after about two laps there would really be no pack any longer and it didn't really matter. So I stayed back a bit to watch some of the lines down the descent. First time down I rode the brakes a bit and still hit 38 mph.

After the descent, you go through a few turns and then hit the climb. Short and steep with about 130 feet of climbing each time through. I don't know what the grade was, but it took everything I had to get over 5 mph at the steepest part.

Out of 32 riders only ten did the full eight laps. Everyone else got lapped. Same thing happened in every field - didn't matter whether it was Cat 1, 2, 3, 4 or 5 there were bunches of lapped riders in every race. I only got lapped once and did 7 laps. Finished mid-pack.

Stats: 15.5 mph (even after breaking 35 mph on every lap), 8.5 miles, 900 feet of climbing, average heart rate of 175

Sunday - road race
This is a 30 mile loop with 2,700 feet of climbing. I did this road race last year and knew what to expect. Last year I was at least ten pounds heavier and there is a really big fucking hill right at the beginning. Really fucking big as in 400 feet of climbing in one mile, so average grade of about 7.5%. Last year this hill took me 7 and a half minutes and was where the lead group dropped me. I also had mechanical problems - dropped my chain three times while shifting in front which lead me to give up and ride the whole race in the small ring up front.

So this year, with less weight and better fitness and no mechanical problems, I should be faster, right? Maybe not - it was 90 degrees again and really fucking windy. 15-20 mph winds with 40 mph gusts.

This year I decide I'm going to do everything I can to not get dropped on the opening climb. Despite the fatigue in my legs from the prior day's races, I climb the hill in 6 and a half minutes (1 minute faster than last year) and still have the leaders in sight at the top. Good start, except now I'm spent and a bit light headed. I hang on for a bit but the heat and the hills and my heartrate, which hadn't yet come down from the mid 180's, get me to back off a bit.

The wind was terrible. There is a nice descent at about mile 12 that I bombed down last year at 40 mph. This year I had a death grip on the brakes at about 25 mph because it felt like the crosswind was going to blow me off the road. At times I felt like I was leaning the bike 5-10 degrees into the wind while trying to descend. I'm heavier than the skinny climber types and that is ordinarily great on the descents and in the rolling sections where I can carry downhill momentum up climbs. The wind totally shut that down.

I do most of the race with no one in sight in front of me or behind me. I pass one stranded rider who has a broken chain and one other rider who is still in the race but obviously spent.

At the end of the day, the race takes me 5 and a half minutes longer than it took me last year. Despite that, I finish almost thirty spots higher than I did last year in a similarly sized field - squarely mid-pack instead of bringing up the rear. I'm extremely happy with that given the conditions and the hills.

The higher categories had to do two or three laps. My wife was waiting for me at the line and told me she saw lots of Cat 1, 2 and 3 riders come through at the end of their first lap and call it quits.

Stats: 16.1 mph, 30.5 miles, 2,750 feet of climbing, average HR of 167

The same rider won the Cat 4/5 crit and road race, and he took the overall win for the omnium. He's 14 years old and looks like he weighs about 85 lbs.

#5491253 - 04/11/11 07:46 PM Re: Cyclists that race - training [Re: Cheesegoggles]
nato2377 Offline
Post Master Sr

Registered: 07/09/07
Posts: 3464
Loc: Denver, CO
good write up! that road race sounds like hell lol wind is def a bitch. my first two road races i just sat in the middle of everyone so i didnt get buffeted around. aero wheels are a PITA too. sounds like overall you did pretty solid though. whens your next race? id like to try and omnium too contemplating doing a stage race later this year. the Tour de'TOONA in altoona, pa. its like a 4 or 5 day stage race for the pros but they have a 2 or so day on for CAT riders.

i just ordered one of the new garmin 500 gps's with HR and cadence so ill post up some of my races in the near future. been riding with a computer for like 4 months now. i have a 25 mile cat 4/5 2 mile circuit race this sat with a hill that has 20% grade for like 75 feet, literally,and a fast descent and next week i had a road race so hopefully this gps comes and i can bust out some stats.

again, good job!

Edited by nato2377 (04/11/11 07:50 PM)

#5491283 - 04/11/11 07:57 PM Re: Cyclists that race - training [Re: nato2377]
Cheesegoggles Offline
Post Master Supreme

Registered: 07/10/08
Posts: 19073
Loc: Here
 Originally Posted By: nato2377
good write up! that road race sounds like hell lol wind is def a bitch. my first two road races i just sat in the middle of everyone so i didnt get buffeted around. aero wheels are a PITA too. sounds like overall you did pretty solid though. whens your next race?

i just ordered one of the new garmin 500 gps's with HR and cadence so ill post up some of my races in the near future. i have a 25 mile cat 4/5 2 mile circuit race this sat with a hill that has 20% grade for like 75 feet, literally,and a fast descent and next week i had a road race so hopefully this gps comes and i can bust out some stats.

again, good job!

Thanks. I'm really pretty happy with those results since its early in the year and I'm not that strong in the hills.

The next races that I am for sure doing are a crit series May 13-15 - three crits in the city. One is a basic four corner crit and the other two are more technical, but all pretty flat. I want to do a few solid weeks of training before then. We have our Tuesday night crit series here and I'll do a couple of those after the first of May. Due to some stuff at work and Easter I don't think I'll have anything else this month. There is a crit I may do on May 1 but I'll leave that as closer to a game day decision.

#5515182 - 04/23/11 12:47 PM Re: Cyclists that race - training [Re: Cheesegoggles]
nato2377 Offline
Post Master Sr

Registered: 07/09/07
Posts: 3464
Loc: Denver, CO
Had a road race today in a downpour, 1st place!
#5516068 - 04/24/11 07:53 AM Re: Cyclists that race - training [Re: nato2377]
Cheesegoggles Offline
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Registered: 07/10/08
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Loc: Here
That's awesome. Not much going on this weekend due to Easter. I might ride in a crit next weekend but probably nothing until Tuesday Night Worlds pick up the following Tuesday.
#5521903 - 04/26/11 08:37 PM Re: Cyclists that race - training [Re: Cheesegoggles]
nato2377 Offline
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Registered: 07/09/07
Posts: 3464
Loc: Denver, CO
no races for me this week, one next weekend.

Edited by nato2377 (04/26/11 08:38 PM)

#5522127 - 04/26/11 10:05 PM Re: Cyclists that race - training [Re: nato2377]
Cheesegoggles Offline
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Registered: 07/10/08
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Loc: Here
 Originally Posted By: nato2377
no races for me this week, one next weekend.

I don't plan on racing this weekend either. It's been raining nonstop here so my trainer and I have been getting some quality time together.

#5522198 - 04/26/11 10:49 PM Re: Cyclists that race - training [Re: Cheesegoggles]
Sir Ironpool Offline
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Registered: 03/12/01
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Loc: Long Beach, CA
You guys are the only ones who will appreciate this, so I'll post it here. After riding all this past year in a cheap pair of Sette shoes, I wanted to get some that were tri-specific. I got some Bont Sub 10's that were awesome, till after one ride the rear pull tab ripped out and the adhesive holding the heel pads all came undone.
Sent those back, and bought some TR-31's. Damn these things are comfy! Not as stiff as a carbon sole, but I immediately noticed a more solid pedal stroke.


#5525407 - 04/28/11 02:36 AM Re: Cyclists that race - training [Re: shamrok]
bt0 Offline
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Registered: 02/22/10
Posts: 7284
Anyone have suggestions for good cycling/road bike forums? Seems like a lot of them have hard to find flotsam of solid info/advice floating in a sea of inane banter/petty arguments.
#5525589 - 04/28/11 08:11 AM Re: Cyclists that race - training [Re: bt0]
Cheesegoggles Offline
Post Master Supreme

Registered: 07/10/08
Posts: 19073
Loc: Here is the only general forum I ever really look at. The road cycling forum there is as you described - 90% garbage. The road bike racing subforum does have some useful training and racing info. The training and nutrition forum there occasionally has something useful as well, as does the mechanics forum. I hardly ever visit those now though - usually only when I'm looking for specific training or component info.
#5526401 - 04/28/11 12:46 PM Re: Cyclists that race - training [Re: Cheesegoggles]
nato2377 Offline
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Registered: 07/09/07
Posts: 3464
Loc: Denver, CO
those shoes look nice! i just got a pair of mavic zxelliums a few weeks ago and i LOVE them. much better lighter, stiffer, and way more breathability then my sidi genius shoes. yes, i got the yellow ones too \:\)

also, got my garmin edge 500 the other day and gave here a test ride with some cat3 friends. heres the link.

Edited by nato2377 (04/28/11 12:49 PM)

#5526408 - 04/28/11 12:50 PM Re: Cyclists that race - training [Re: nato2377]
nato2377 Offline
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Registered: 07/09/07
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Loc: Denver, CO
bt- i go on as well. everything cheese said is spot on about it.
#5526688 - 04/28/11 02:49 PM Re: Cyclists that race - training [Re: Cheesegoggles]
bt0 Offline
Post Master Sr

Registered: 02/22/10
Posts: 7284
 Originally Posted By: CheeseGoggles is the only general forum I ever really look at. The road cycling forum there is as you described - 90% garbage. The road bike racing subforum does have some useful training and racing info.
Yeah, I'd been reading threads there & somehow missed the subforum. Road cycling forum... threads hundreds of pages long about nothing. bikeradar forums seem decent but heavily brit populated. road racing does seem slightly better, will started sifting through there now

#5538200 - 05/03/11 10:04 PM Re: Cyclists that race - training [Re: bt0]
Cheesegoggles Offline
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Registered: 07/10/08
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Tuesday Night World Championships tonight. Basically meaningless training crits. Tonight was the first C Race - Cat 5s and one day licenses. I did a handful of these last year so I knew the course and what to expect. The main thing to expect was a bunch of sketchy riders who don't know how to handle their bikes.

Start at 7:40 with a neutral lap and go until we run out of day light. Probably just over 20 minutes total so a short race.

Two guys go off the front immediately. They promptly blow up and get overtaken by the chase group which includes me. I sit in the top ten the whole race. Two guys take off with two to go. About ten of us chase. The course has a hill about two thirds of the way through and the final time up that hill my legs were toast. There was also a crash immediately behind me which kept me from being caught. I mostly just shut it down and coasted across the line instead of trying to sprint for something in the top 6. Probably finished right around 10th out of 30 or so that lined up.

#5539513 - 05/04/11 01:56 PM Re: Cyclists that race - training [Re: Cheesegoggles]
nato2377 Offline
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Registered: 07/09/07
Posts: 3464
Loc: Denver, CO
nice job! was supposed to have a road race this sat. but went to sign up and its full already... guess ill just take a long ride this weekend instead. got 32 miles in on monday, and 37 last night. heres a pic from the ride my teamate shot. im in the middle with the yellow shoes

Edited by nato2377 (05/04/11 01:57 PM)

#5547833 - 05/08/11 02:12 PM Re: Cyclists that race - training [Re: nato2377]
nato2377 Offline
Post Master Sr

Registered: 07/09/07
Posts: 3464
Loc: Denver, CO
How far did everyone ride this weekend? 81.27 miles for me

Edited by nato2377 (05/08/11 04:15 PM)

#5548234 - 05/08/11 07:23 PM Re: Cyclists that race - training [Re: nato2377]
lessthanmike Offline
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Registered: 09/01/03
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Loc: Cleveland, Ohio
I had a great riding weekend. We put on a triathlon training camp in Mohican State Park. Ended up with around 140mi on the road bike and about 25mi on the mountain bike.

There were so many hills, at times I was climbing at 5mph for about 10 then hitting close to 40ish on the way down.

NOHC--D, Because she knows I couldn't get laid in a women's prison with a handful of pardons.

#5548709 - 05/09/11 06:42 AM Re: Cyclists that race - training [Re: lessthanmike]
Cheesegoggles Offline
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Registered: 07/10/08
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Loc: Here
I'm jealous of both of you. Between mother's day and stuff around the house, not much time for riding. 25 miles on the road yesterday morning. I had done some 5 min x 1 min threshold intervals on the trainer on Friday as well. I'll give the legs a rest today and race tomorrow night.
#5549660 - 05/09/11 01:42 PM Re: Cyclists that race - training [Re: Cheesegoggles]
Senor Eduardo_82 Offline
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Registered: 01/09/03
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Loc: Ca�ada
17 Miles.


#5549663 - 05/09/11 01:43 PM Re: Cyclists that race - training [Re: lessthanmike]
Senor Eduardo_82 Offline
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Registered: 01/09/03
Posts: 38036
Loc: Ca�ada
 Originally Posted By: lessthanmike
There were so many hills, at times I was climbing at 5mph for about 10 then hitting close to 40ish on the way down.

No gym for home?

#5550364 - 05/09/11 06:11 PM Re: Cyclists that race - training [Re: Senor Eduardo_82]
nato2377 Offline
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Registered: 07/09/07
Posts: 3464
Loc: Denver, CO
put in a request to upgrade to cat4 today with usa cycling. im pretty sure they will deny me since i dont have 10 mass starts ( i have 5, with my 6th coming this saturday) but im hearing that they might based off of good results. so far i have a 1st, 2nd, and 3rd in road races, an 11th in my first and only crit, and a dnf in a 4/5 race due to a flat. who knows, worth a shot. i dont mind the 5's, i just want to race for money instead of trophies and also to ride with my teamate.

Edited by nato2377 (05/09/11 06:12 PM)

#5550692 - 05/09/11 08:54 PM Re: Cyclists that race - training [Re: nato2377]
robbbby Offline
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Registered: 01/23/02
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 Originally Posted By: nato2377
How far did everyone ride this weekend? 81.27 miles for me

I didn't put in as many miles as I wanted to this weekend, probably only about 60 but I did a lot of climbing on saturday with some hard hill repeats and then threw in a couple sets of intervals on flat for fun. Sunday I tried to stick to the road but the hill called me back for a few less intense climbs. My buddy called me to go riding tonight and I really wanted to but I don't want to overdo it.

#5553435 - 05/10/11 08:55 PM Re: Cyclists that race - training [Re: robbbby]
Cheesegoggles Offline
Post Master Supreme

Registered: 07/10/08
Posts: 19073
Loc: Here
Tuesday Night Worlds again. Probably a 25-30 minute race tonight. 21 riders entered.

I spend the first half plus of the race in the lead group of riders. It wasn't a totally cohesive group - sometimes there would be as few as four of us that opened a little gap, and at most ten. I'm sucking wheel the whole time and it feels fairly easy. Except for the a little effort to get up the hill on the back side of the course, I'm not feeling bad at all.

Then I take a turn to pull and decide we are done lolly gagging around. I want to separate a few of us from the rest of the pack and I'm going to take a hard pull to do it.

All I can say is

I end up sucking wind at the end of it and can't hang on to the lead group any longer. I fall off into no man's land between a lead group of about eight and everyone else. I finish the race by myself basically and don't get caught. My pull did add some distance between the lead group and the rest of the pack which probably contributed to my teammate pulling out the win. He owes me next week.

Lesson of the week: Don't do dumb shit like that any more.

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