My boss just converted his power outlets in his truck to always on, I was wondering if anyone knows of a way to do this, so that I can charge things without turnung the car on.
Registered: 10/22/02
Posts: 124
Loc: Sault Ste. Marie Ontario Canad...
I did mine, I charge my cell phone stuff like that, works fine. I just took a wire direct from my amp that I was using to power on my neon lights inside the car. then I unplugged the +tive off the cig lighter, and put the new splice off the power wire to the plug. It works great, I did that after owning the car less than a week. I hated having the plug that turned off with the car. If you have any other questions about this let me know... I didn't think twice about doing this, but I was a car audio installer for a few years, and I am fairly confident with my 12v knowledge.
1998 Honda Civic si (Canadian Ver)
Registered: 06/17/02
Posts: 1115
Loc: Honolulu, HI
I did this when I installed my OEM cigarette lighter / ash tray.. It comes w/ a new wire loom that you plug into the underdash fusebox..instead of plugging it into the accessory +12V i plugged it into the constant +12V... not much help if you don't have the add on.. but if you're thinking about getting one that option is a +
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