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#150172 - 11/26/05 12:47 AM FUCK YOU QUEBEC!
Eddie_FL Offline
Post Master Supreme

Registered: 12/10/03
Posts: 10716
Loc: Ft.Lauderdale
much love from OT

oh, and stop sending your damn grandparents down here to Florida, they cant drive worth shit
- spoon ftmfw
Showing her vag is just business. That does not make her a whore. - Darkw0lfe on strippers
We're sticking it to the queers who can only watch from outside; their sad, little, gay faces pressed to the windows, dreaming of matrimony and first class citizenship. - Scootergeek

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#150173 - 11/26/05 09:58 AM Re: FUCK YOU QUEBEC!
tropicana Offline
Post Master Supreme

Registered: 09/26/02
Posts: 17529
Loc: Québec City, Qc
Do you need some gas so you can light yourself on fire?
The most dangerous drivers I've ever seen were in Florida...and they had FL plates.

#150174 - 11/27/05 11:22 AM Re: FUCK YOU QUEBEC!
Kluster Offline
Post Master Supreme

Registered: 06/15/01
Posts: 12700
Loc: Canada
C'est drôle de voir l'ignorance démontré là. Y'ont peur de ce qu'ils connaissent ou comprennent pas. Gagne de caves. J'ai fortement l'impression qu'un jour ils s'auto détruire en paranoyant sur quelque chose de completement innofensif (IE: trombonne à papier, fourmis, pellicule en plastique GLAD pour enveloppé les sandwichs, nuage, gomme à mâcher).
#150175 - 11/29/05 08:46 AM Re: FUCK YOU QUEBEC!
Gab Offline
Post Master Supreme

Registered: 04/24/02
Posts: 16915
Loc: Boston, MA
Sérieux, je me demande si c'est une bonne affaire ou non mais j'ai lu ce thread là pis ca ne me dérangeait pas. Ca ne m'offusquait même pas. Pas que je suis d'accord avec ce qu'ils disent, au contraire, mais c'est comme si à c't'heure je me calicais des innocents qui disent des niaiseries. C'est intéressant...
#150176 - 11/30/05 09:47 AM Re: FUCK YOU QUEBEC!
Kluster Offline
Post Master Supreme

Registered: 06/15/01
Posts: 12700
Loc: Canada
Ça explique peut-être la conjugaison de leur politique extérieur et les mesures draconiennes utilisé dans d'autres états anciennement "souverains".
#150177 - 12/03/05 03:48 PM Re: FUCK YOU QUEBEC!
blcmagic Offline
Post Master Supreme

Registered: 03/27/02
Posts: 17099
Loc: canadia
The G2 Racer: "Uh, almost every large company operates at a lost."
c2k: "you need a 400whp NEON! it's hella cute to most ladies, y0"

#150178 - 12/03/05 04:54 PM Re: FUCK YOU QUEBEC!
tropicana Offline
Post Master Supreme

Registered: 09/26/02
Posts: 17529
Loc: Québec City, Qc
Hhangliche, go 'ome!!!
#150179 - 12/04/05 07:22 PM Re: FUCK YOU QUEBEC!
blcmagic Offline
Post Master Supreme

Registered: 03/27/02
Posts: 17099
Loc: canadia

Mais non! Je n'est pas un Hhangliche!
The G2 Racer: "Uh, almost every large company operates at a lost."
c2k: "you need a 400whp NEON! it's hella cute to most ladies, y0"

#150180 - 12/07/05 04:16 PM Re: FUCK YOU QUEBEC!
A2B-Lexus Offline
Post Master Supreme

Registered: 04/19/01
Posts: 45591
Loc: Raptors Land
#150181 - 12/07/05 06:57 PM Re: FUCK YOU QUEBEC!
tropicana Offline
Post Master Supreme

Registered: 09/26/02
Posts: 17529
Loc: Québec City, Qc
Hi eh?
#150182 - 12/08/05 08:00 PM Re: FUCK YOU QUEBEC!
Kluster Offline
Post Master Supreme

Registered: 06/15/01
Posts: 12700
Loc: Canada
omdelvisgrattonbbqràhv tu sonnes comme un squelette qui se crosse sur on boute de tôle.
#150183 - 12/09/05 09:48 AM Re: FUCK YOU QUEBEC!
tropicana Offline
Post Master Supreme

Registered: 09/26/02
Posts: 17529
Loc: Québec City, Qc
Calice...t'etais tu saoul quand t'as ecrit ca?
#150184 - 12/09/05 10:30 AM Re: FUCK YOU QUEBEC!
Kluster Offline
Post Master Supreme

Registered: 06/15/01
Posts: 12700
Loc: Canada
J'étais très lucide et j'avais tout mes moyens. Par contre, calisse que j'avais rien à faire.
#150185 - 12/09/05 11:56 AM Re: FUCK YOU QUEBEC!
tropicana Offline
Post Master Supreme

Registered: 09/26/02
Posts: 17529
Loc: Québec City, Qc

#150186 - 12/11/05 04:59 PM Re: FUCK YOU QUEBEC!
blcmagic Offline
Post Master Supreme

Registered: 03/27/02
Posts: 17099
Loc: canadia

The G2 Racer: "Uh, almost every large company operates at a lost."
c2k: "you need a 400whp NEON! it's hella cute to most ladies, y0"

#150187 - 12/12/05 09:49 AM Re: FUCK YOU QUEBEC!
Shorty_SI Moderator Offline
Post Master Supreme

Registered: 06/18/01
Posts: 25674
Loc: Montreal, Canaduh
lol.. osti'd gang de peppers..

*runs away*

#150188 - 12/12/05 01:39 PM Re: FUCK YOU QUEBEC!
tropicana Offline
Post Master Supreme

Registered: 09/26/02
Posts: 17529
Loc: Québec City, Qc
hehe premiere fois jte vois poster en francais ici
#150189 - 12/12/05 09:22 PM Re: FUCK YOU QUEBEC!
A2B-Lexus Offline
Post Master Supreme

Registered: 04/19/01
Posts: 45591
Loc: Raptors Land

#150190 - 12/13/05 12:29 AM Re: FUCK YOU QUEBEC!
tropicana Offline
Post Master Supreme

Registered: 09/26/02
Posts: 17529
Loc: Québec City, Qc
Ostie de copieur sale.
#150191 - 12/13/05 09:10 AM Re: FUCK YOU QUEBEC!
Shorty_SI Moderator Offline
Post Master Supreme

Registered: 06/18/01
Posts: 25674
Loc: Montreal, Canaduh
yes indeed..
#150192 - 12/13/05 10:31 AM Re: FUCK YOU QUEBEC!
Kluster Offline
Post Master Supreme

Registered: 06/15/01
Posts: 12700
Loc: Canada
J'aime le cotton.
#150193 - 12/13/05 11:05 AM Re: FUCK YOU QUEBEC!
tropicana Offline
Post Master Supreme

Registered: 09/26/02
Posts: 17529
Loc: Québec City, Qc
Je vous ai acheté......des bonbons.
#150194 - 12/17/05 04:05 PM Re: FUCK YOU QUEBEC!
blcmagic Offline
Post Master Supreme

Registered: 03/27/02
Posts: 17099
Loc: canadia

lol.. osti'd gang de peppers..

*runs away*

The G2 Racer: "Uh, almost every large company operates at a lost."
c2k: "you need a 400whp NEON! it's hella cute to most ladies, y0"

#150195 - 12/18/05 04:46 AM Re: FUCK YOU QUEBEC!
tropicana Offline
Post Master Supreme

Registered: 09/26/02
Posts: 17529
Loc: Québec City, Qc
It means : rth*...fucking bunch of poivres
*court au loin*

*thf : rit tout haut

#150196 - 12/18/05 03:20 PM Re: FUCK YOU QUEBEC!
blcmagic Offline
Post Master Supreme

Registered: 03/27/02
Posts: 17099
Loc: canadia
That still made zero sense to me.
The G2 Racer: "Uh, almost every large company operates at a lost."
c2k: "you need a 400whp NEON! it's hella cute to most ladies, y0"

#150197 - 12/19/05 01:53 PM Re: FUCK YOU QUEBEC!
Kluster Offline
Post Master Supreme

Registered: 06/15/01
Posts: 12700
Loc: Canada

*thf : rit tout haut

*RÀHV* = rit à haute voie.

#150198 - 12/19/05 02:18 PM Re: FUCK YOU QUEBEC!
tropicana Offline
Post Master Supreme

Registered: 09/26/02
Posts: 17529
Loc: Québec City, Qc
ouh phoque, j'tais peté quand j'ai ecrit ca

Du thf c'est un produit dont je me sers a la job, pis je l'ai écrit par réflexe lol.

#150199 - 12/22/05 02:14 AM Re: FUCK YOU QUEBEC!
blcmagic Offline
Post Master Supreme

Registered: 03/27/02
Posts: 17099
Loc: canadia

That still made zero sense to me.

The G2 Racer: "Uh, almost every large company operates at a lost."
c2k: "you need a 400whp NEON! it's hella cute to most ladies, y0"

#150200 - 12/23/05 04:52 AM Re: FUCK YOU QUEBEC!
tropicana Offline
Post Master Supreme

Registered: 09/26/02
Posts: 17529
Loc: Québec City, Qc
Suce une bonne queue pis fais toi un bon banana split avec.
#150201 - 12/23/05 08:41 AM Re: FUCK YOU QUEBEC!
Kluster Offline
Post Master Supreme

Registered: 06/15/01
Posts: 12700
Loc: Canada
Luche mon spa* pis dit moi si ça sent bon...

spa: Spa les gosses, c'est pas le cul, spa le boute entre les deux.

#150202 - 12/23/05 04:33 PM Re: FUCK YOU QUEBEC!
blcmagic Offline
Post Master Supreme

Registered: 03/27/02
Posts: 17099
Loc: canadia
Ooooh banana split! Who wants to share one?
The G2 Racer: "Uh, almost every large company operates at a lost."
c2k: "you need a 400whp NEON! it's hella cute to most ladies, y0"

#150203 - 12/23/05 06:00 PM Re: FUCK YOU QUEBEC!
tropicana Offline
Post Master Supreme

Registered: 09/26/02
Posts: 17529
Loc: Québec City, Qc
lol I'd share my banana split with you
#150204 - 12/24/05 02:29 PM Re: FUCK YOU QUEBEC!
blcmagic Offline
Post Master Supreme

Registered: 03/27/02
Posts: 17099
Loc: canadia
The G2 Racer: "Uh, almost every large company operates at a lost."
c2k: "you need a 400whp NEON! it's hella cute to most ladies, y0"

#150205 - 01/01/06 08:05 PM Re: FUCK YOU QUEBEC!
EggRoll Offline

Registered: 03/24/04
Posts: 324
Loc: Mississauga

#150206 - 01/02/06 03:01 AM Re: FUCK YOU QUEBEC!
tropicana Offline
Post Master Supreme

Registered: 09/26/02
Posts: 17529
Loc: Québec City, Qc
Heille wow.

Ca a du te prendre beaucoup de courage et de capacités intellectuelles pour aller bumper un thread comme ca avec un quote vieux de 2 mois.

Franchement je suis renversé.

Calice d'épais.

#150207 - 01/02/06 03:41 PM Re: FUCK YOU QUEBEC!
Kluster Offline
Post Master Supreme

Registered: 06/15/01
Posts: 12700
Loc: Canada
Esti qu'y sont poil des fois eux autre.
#150208 - 01/04/06 10:11 AM Re: FUCK YOU QUEBEC!
big tuner Offline
Post Master Supreme

Registered: 02/16/01
Posts: 20110
Loc: Oakville, Ontario, Canada
fuck you america!
#150209 - 01/06/06 09:31 PM Re: FUCK YOU QUEBEC!
A2B-Lexus Offline
Post Master Supreme

Registered: 04/19/01
Posts: 45591
Loc: Raptors Land
#150210 - 01/07/06 08:52 PM Re: FUCK YOU QUEBEC!
blcmagic Offline
Post Master Supreme

Registered: 03/27/02
Posts: 17099
Loc: canadia
Which part confused you?
The G2 Racer: "Uh, almost every large company operates at a lost."
c2k: "you need a 400whp NEON! it's hella cute to most ladies, y0"

#150211 - 01/08/06 04:16 AM Re: FUCK YOU QUEBEC!
tropicana Offline
Post Master Supreme

Registered: 09/26/02
Posts: 17529
Loc: Québec City, Qc
This thread screams "Please let me diiiiiiiiiiiie "
#150212 - 01/08/06 07:54 PM Re: FUCK YOU QUEBEC!
blcmagic Offline
Post Master Supreme

Registered: 03/27/02
Posts: 17099
Loc: canadia
I know eh? People should really stop posting in it.
The G2 Racer: "Uh, almost every large company operates at a lost."
c2k: "you need a 400whp NEON! it's hella cute to most ladies, y0"

#150213 - 01/09/06 01:30 AM Re: FUCK YOU QUEBEC!
tropicana Offline
Post Master Supreme

Registered: 09/26/02
Posts: 17529
Loc: Québec City, Qc
#150214 - 01/12/06 05:23 PM Re: FUCK YOU QUEBEC!
blcmagic Offline
Post Master Supreme

Registered: 03/27/02
Posts: 17099
Loc: canadia
True say.
The G2 Racer: "Uh, almost every large company operates at a lost."
c2k: "you need a 400whp NEON! it's hella cute to most ladies, y0"

#150215 - 01/17/06 03:33 PM Re: FUCK YOU QUEBEC!
big tuner Offline
Post Master Supreme

Registered: 02/16/01
Posts: 20110
Loc: Oakville, Ontario, Canada
yeah I know...
#150216 - 01/19/06 01:12 AM Re: FUCK YOU QUEBEC!
blcmagic Offline
Post Master Supreme

Registered: 03/27/02
Posts: 17099
Loc: canadia
Me too.
The G2 Racer: "Uh, almost every large company operates at a lost."
c2k: "you need a 400whp NEON! it's hella cute to most ladies, y0"

#150217 - 01/20/06 10:09 PM Re: FUCK YOU QUEBEC!
EggRoll Offline

Registered: 03/24/04
Posts: 324
Loc: Mississauga

Me too.


#150218 - 01/20/06 10:10 PM Re: FUCK YOU QUEBEC!
EggRoll Offline

Registered: 03/24/04
Posts: 324
Loc: Mississauga
#150219 - 01/20/06 10:10 PM Re: FUCK YOU QUEBEC!
EggRoll Offline

Registered: 03/24/04
Posts: 324
Loc: Mississauga
#150220 - 01/20/06 10:10 PM Re: FUCK YOU QUEBEC!
EggRoll Offline

Registered: 03/24/04
Posts: 324
Loc: Mississauga
#150221 - 01/20/06 10:10 PM Re: FUCK YOU QUEBEC!
EggRoll Offline

Registered: 03/24/04
Posts: 324
Loc: Mississauga
#150222 - 01/20/06 10:11 PM Re: FUCK YOU QUEBEC!
EggRoll Offline

Registered: 03/24/04
Posts: 324
Loc: Mississauga
#150223 - 01/21/06 05:04 PM Re: FUCK YOU QUEBEC!
blcmagic Offline
Post Master Supreme

Registered: 03/27/02
Posts: 17099
Loc: canadia
The G2 Racer: "Uh, almost every large company operates at a lost."
c2k: "you need a 400whp NEON! it's hella cute to most ladies, y0"

#150224 - 01/21/06 05:04 PM Re: FUCK YOU QUEBEC!
blcmagic Offline
Post Master Supreme

Registered: 03/27/02
Posts: 17099
Loc: canadia
The G2 Racer: "Uh, almost every large company operates at a lost."
c2k: "you need a 400whp NEON! it's hella cute to most ladies, y0"

#150225 - 01/21/06 05:04 PM Re: FUCK YOU QUEBEC!
blcmagic Offline
Post Master Supreme

Registered: 03/27/02
Posts: 17099
Loc: canadia
The G2 Racer: "Uh, almost every large company operates at a lost."
c2k: "you need a 400whp NEON! it's hella cute to most ladies, y0"

#150226 - 02/02/06 02:00 AM Re: FUCK YOU QUEBEC!
ORALE Offline
long ass title
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Registered: 05/20/02
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Loc: It duh Herra Norcal!
Vous sentez comme la merde
#150227 - 02/16/06 09:40 AM Re: FUCK YOU QUEBEC!
f22b-dohc Offline
Post Master Supreme

Registered: 09/09/05
Posts: 11227
Loc: canadia


who the fuk u think u are eggroll?

JB weld is your friend
Chewbacca makes me yawn *Yawn*
"rolling -----on my 2.0, with the rag top down so my hair can blow..."

#150228 - 02/16/06 01:12 PM Re: FUCK YOU QUEBEC!
slow_dx Offline
Post Master

Registered: 06/04/02
Posts: 2924
Loc: Winnipeg, MB
Is this still going on right now?
"Hugh, what I think would scare the shit out of these al Qaeda guys more than any cruise missile... would be the sight of U.S. commandos, Ninja guys in black suits, jumping out of helicopters into their camps, spraying machine guns. Even if we don't get the big guys, it will have a good effect."

-- Bill Clinton

#150229 - 02/17/06 05:28 PM Re: FUCK YOU QUEBEC!
blcmagic Offline
Post Master Supreme

Registered: 03/27/02
Posts: 17099
Loc: canadia
not really
The G2 Racer: "Uh, almost every large company operates at a lost."
c2k: "you need a 400whp NEON! it's hella cute to most ladies, y0"

#150230 - 02/17/06 08:43 PM Re: FUCK YOU QUEBEC!
slow_dx Offline
Post Master

Registered: 06/04/02
Posts: 2924
Loc: Winnipeg, MB

not really

blcmagic, do you leave your christmas lights up all year round?
"Hugh, what I think would scare the shit out of these al Qaeda guys more than any cruise missile... would be the sight of U.S. commandos, Ninja guys in black suits, jumping out of helicopters into their camps, spraying machine guns. Even if we don't get the big guys, it will have a good effect."

-- Bill Clinton

#150231 - 02/19/06 05:24 PM Re: FUCK YOU QUEBEC!
blcmagic Offline
Post Master Supreme

Registered: 03/27/02
Posts: 17099
Loc: canadia
I'm Jewish.
The G2 Racer: "Uh, almost every large company operates at a lost."
c2k: "you need a 400whp NEON! it's hella cute to most ladies, y0"

#150232 - 02/19/06 10:43 PM Re: FUCK YOU QUEBEC!
slow_dx Offline
Post Master

Registered: 06/04/02
Posts: 2924
Loc: Winnipeg, MB

I'm Jewish.

That explains the avatar then.

"Hugh, what I think would scare the shit out of these al Qaeda guys more than any cruise missile... would be the sight of U.S. commandos, Ninja guys in black suits, jumping out of helicopters into their camps, spraying machine guns. Even if we don't get the big guys, it will have a good effect."

-- Bill Clinton

#150233 - 02/20/06 06:51 PM Re: FUCK YOU QUEBEC!
blcmagic Offline
Post Master Supreme

Registered: 03/27/02
Posts: 17099
Loc: canadia
Can I be European now?
The G2 Racer: "Uh, almost every large company operates at a lost."
c2k: "you need a 400whp NEON! it's hella cute to most ladies, y0"

#150234 - 02/20/06 08:33 PM Re: FUCK YOU QUEBEC!
slow_dx Offline
Post Master

Registered: 06/04/02
Posts: 2924
Loc: Winnipeg, MB

Can I be European now?

Do you even speak European?
"Hugh, what I think would scare the shit out of these al Qaeda guys more than any cruise missile... would be the sight of U.S. commandos, Ninja guys in black suits, jumping out of helicopters into their camps, spraying machine guns. Even if we don't get the big guys, it will have a good effect."

-- Bill Clinton

#150235 - 02/21/06 11:32 PM Re: FUCK YOU QUEBEC!
lostx_o Offline
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Registered: 10/21/05
Posts: 2631
Loc: Red Deer, Alberta, Canada

#150236 - 02/22/06 09:11 AM Re: FUCK YOU QUEBEC!
slow_dx Offline
Post Master

Registered: 06/04/02
Posts: 2924
Loc: Winnipeg, MB

"Hugh, what I think would scare the shit out of these al Qaeda guys more than any cruise missile... would be the sight of U.S. commandos, Ninja guys in black suits, jumping out of helicopters into their camps, spraying machine guns. Even if we don't get the big guys, it will have a good effect."

-- Bill Clinton

#150237 - 02/23/06 06:24 PM Re: FUCK YOU QUEBEC!
blcmagic Offline
Post Master Supreme

Registered: 03/27/02
Posts: 17099
Loc: canadia
Do I speak Jewish?
The G2 Racer: "Uh, almost every large company operates at a lost."
c2k: "you need a 400whp NEON! it's hella cute to most ladies, y0"

#150238 - 02/24/06 08:41 AM Re: FUCK YOU QUEBEC!
slow_dx Offline
Post Master

Registered: 06/04/02
Posts: 2924
Loc: Winnipeg, MB

Do I speak Jewish?

"Hugh, what I think would scare the shit out of these al Qaeda guys more than any cruise missile... would be the sight of U.S. commandos, Ninja guys in black suits, jumping out of helicopters into their camps, spraying machine guns. Even if we don't get the big guys, it will have a good effect."

-- Bill Clinton

#150239 - 02/24/06 11:36 AM Re: FUCK YOU QUEBEC!
Kluster Offline
Post Master Supreme

Registered: 06/15/01
Posts: 12700
Loc: Canada
Anti-semith bastard!
#150240 - 02/24/06 04:06 PM Re: FUCK YOU QUEBEC!
blcmagic Offline
Post Master Supreme

Registered: 03/27/02
Posts: 17099
Loc: canadia
I'm not anti-semite! I'm non-semite!!!

WTF is a semite?
The G2 Racer: "Uh, almost every large company operates at a lost."
c2k: "you need a 400whp NEON! it's hella cute to most ladies, y0"

#150241 - 02/24/06 08:15 PM Re: FUCK YOU QUEBEC!
slow_dx Offline
Post Master

Registered: 06/04/02
Posts: 2924
Loc: Winnipeg, MB

<Th3No0b> Im going to be the next hitler
<Th3No0b> Im going to kill all the jews and 1 clown
<RageAgainsttheAmish> why the clown
<Th3No0b> See? no one cares about the jews

"Hugh, what I think would scare the shit out of these al Qaeda guys more than any cruise missile... would be the sight of U.S. commandos, Ninja guys in black suits, jumping out of helicopters into their camps, spraying machine guns. Even if we don't get the big guys, it will have a good effect."

-- Bill Clinton

#150242 - 02/25/06 10:39 AM Re: FUCK YOU QUEBEC!
Kluster Offline
Post Master Supreme

Registered: 06/15/01
Posts: 12700
Loc: Canada

I'm not anti-semite! I'm non-semite!!!

WTF is a semite?

Sounds like a mix of hermit and bi-curious.

#150243 - 02/25/06 01:31 PM Re: FUCK YOU QUEBEC!
tropicana Offline
Post Master Supreme

Registered: 09/26/02
Posts: 17529
Loc: Québec City, Qc
It's when your graine is bandée a moitié.
It's called a semite...pronounced "smitt".

#150244 - 02/25/06 06:00 PM Re: FUCK YOU QUEBEC!
blcmagic Offline
Post Master Supreme

Registered: 03/27/02
Posts: 17099
Loc: canadia

bandée a moitié

WTF is that?? Man.. this forum confuses me..
The G2 Racer: "Uh, almost every large company operates at a lost."
c2k: "you need a 400whp NEON! it's hella cute to most ladies, y0"

#150245 - 02/26/06 07:46 AM Re: FUCK YOU QUEBEC!
slow_dx Offline
Post Master

Registered: 06/04/02
Posts: 2924
Loc: Winnipeg, MB
I highly recommend and

Both sites turn the Quebec forum into nigerian e-mail scammer level English!
"Hugh, what I think would scare the shit out of these al Qaeda guys more than any cruise missile... would be the sight of U.S. commandos, Ninja guys in black suits, jumping out of helicopters into their camps, spraying machine guns. Even if we don't get the big guys, it will have a good effect."

-- Bill Clinton

#150246 - 02/26/06 05:14 PM Re: FUCK YOU QUEBEC!
blcmagic Offline
Post Master Supreme

Registered: 03/27/02
Posts: 17099
Loc: canadia
bandaged has half? Now I'm even more confused...
The G2 Racer: "Uh, almost every large company operates at a lost."
c2k: "you need a 400whp NEON! it's hella cute to most ladies, y0"

#150247 - 02/26/06 10:01 PM Re: FUCK YOU QUEBEC!
slow_dx Offline
Post Master

Registered: 06/04/02
Posts: 2924
Loc: Winnipeg, MB
Does seed mean semen in french?
"Hugh, what I think would scare the shit out of these al Qaeda guys more than any cruise missile... would be the sight of U.S. commandos, Ninja guys in black suits, jumping out of helicopters into their camps, spraying machine guns. Even if we don't get the big guys, it will have a good effect."

-- Bill Clinton

#150248 - 02/27/06 09:07 AM Re: FUCK YOU QUEBEC!
f22b-dohc Offline
Post Master Supreme

Registered: 09/09/05
Posts: 11227
Loc: canadia

u guys are bored
JB weld is your friend
Chewbacca makes me yawn *Yawn*
"rolling -----on my 2.0, with the rag top down so my hair can blow..."

#150249 - 02/27/06 12:25 PM Re: FUCK YOU QUEBEC!
slow_dx Offline
Post Master

Registered: 06/04/02
Posts: 2924
Loc: Winnipeg, MB
I attribute it to the recent crackdown in the Ontario forum.
"Hugh, what I think would scare the shit out of these al Qaeda guys more than any cruise missile... would be the sight of U.S. commandos, Ninja guys in black suits, jumping out of helicopters into their camps, spraying machine guns. Even if we don't get the big guys, it will have a good effect."

-- Bill Clinton

#150250 - 02/27/06 04:10 PM Re: FUCK YOU QUEBEC!
tropicana Offline
Post Master Supreme

Registered: 09/26/02
Posts: 17529
Loc: Québec City, Qc
"Bandée" refers to the erect penis.
#150251 - 02/27/06 04:39 PM Re: FUCK YOU QUEBEC!
blcmagic Offline
Post Master Supreme

Registered: 03/27/02
Posts: 17099
Loc: canadia
So... anybody wanna touch my bandee?
The G2 Racer: "Uh, almost every large company operates at a lost."
c2k: "you need a 400whp NEON! it's hella cute to most ladies, y0"

#150252 - 02/27/06 04:55 PM Re: FUCK YOU QUEBEC!
tropicana Offline
Post Master Supreme

Registered: 09/26/02
Posts: 17529
Loc: Québec City, Qc
It's an adjective you Dumas
#150253 - 02/27/06 04:58 PM Re: FUCK YOU QUEBEC!
blcmagic Offline
Post Master Supreme

Registered: 03/27/02
Posts: 17099
Loc: canadia
You're a dumbass
The G2 Racer: "Uh, almost every large company operates at a lost."
c2k: "you need a 400whp NEON! it's hella cute to most ladies, y0"

#150254 - 02/27/06 06:17 PM Re: FUCK YOU QUEBEC!
slow_dx Offline
Post Master

Registered: 06/04/02
Posts: 2924
Loc: Winnipeg, MB

It's an adjective you Dumas

"Hugh, what I think would scare the shit out of these al Qaeda guys more than any cruise missile... would be the sight of U.S. commandos, Ninja guys in black suits, jumping out of helicopters into their camps, spraying machine guns. Even if we don't get the big guys, it will have a good effect."

-- Bill Clinton

#150255 - 02/27/06 07:00 PM Re: FUCK YOU QUEBEC!
Kluster Offline
Post Master Supreme

Registered: 06/15/01
Posts: 12700
Loc: Canada
J'ai la kekette qui colle, j'ai les bonbons qui font des bon.
#150256 - 02/27/06 07:18 PM Re: FUCK YOU QUEBEC!
slow_dx Offline
Post Master

Registered: 06/04/02
Posts: 2924
Loc: Winnipeg, MB

I have the kekette that sticks, I have the candies that do vouchers.

"Hugh, what I think would scare the shit out of these al Qaeda guys more than any cruise missile... would be the sight of U.S. commandos, Ninja guys in black suits, jumping out of helicopters into their camps, spraying machine guns. Even if we don't get the big guys, it will have a good effect."

-- Bill Clinton

#150257 - 02/27/06 10:22 PM Re: FUCK YOU QUEBEC!
tropicana Offline
Post Master Supreme

Registered: 09/26/02
Posts: 17529
Loc: Québec City, Qc


I have the kekette that sticks, I have the candies that do vouchers.

I have ze kekette that sticks, let's dance on ze d'Avignon Bridge lawlz.

#150258 - 02/27/06 10:51 PM Re: FUCK YOU QUEBEC!
Kluster Offline
Post Master Supreme

Registered: 06/15/01
Posts: 12700
Loc: Canada
J'ai la kekette qui colle
J'ai les bonbons qui font des bonds
J'ai le kekette qui colle
Dansons sur le pont d'Avignon

Viens avec moi dans la clairiere
Tu veras de quoi elle a l'air
Si tu montes jusqu'au grenier
Tu pourras la toucher
Joyeuse contine et farandole j'ai la kekette qui colle

J'ai les arpions qui fouettent
Et des morpions plein les roupettes
Des pellicules sur le crane
Comme tous le gars de la campagne

Si tu me suis au presbitaire
J'te debalerai toute mes affaires
Si tu veux que j'te montre mon cul
Allons nagez au ru

Faisons la ronde jolie juliette
Danses avec moi la gigolette
J'ai les arpions qui fouettent

J'ai le claque merde qui refoule
Et du pelage ds les esgourdes
Des bubons sur les boules
L'arriere boule qui fleure la palourde

Allons butiner la fleurette
Tu m'epuiellera de mes bebetes
Et si c'est propre et si c'est net
Je te ferai la brouette

Chantes avec moi la peche aux moules
J'ai le claque merde qui refoule

J'ai la kekette qui colle
J'ai les bonbons qui font des bonds
J'ai le kekette qui colle
Dansons sur le pont d'Avignon

#150259 - 02/28/06 08:29 AM Re: FUCK YOU QUEBEC!
tropicana Offline
Post Master Supreme

Registered: 09/26/02
Posts: 17529
Loc: Québec City, Qc
Each time I listen to this chanson, here's the ligne that makes me crampe à coup sur :


J'ai le claque merde qui refoule

Le claque-merde.

#150260 - 03/01/06 03:35 PM Re: FUCK YOU QUEBEC!
Kluster Offline
Post Master Supreme

Registered: 06/15/01
Posts: 12700
Loc: Canada
You talk like the petite bebitte with des petites pattes and un gros cul that taste like wet crevette dipped in chocolat.
#150261 - 03/01/06 06:37 PM Re: FUCK YOU QUEBEC!
tropicana Offline
Post Master Supreme

Registered: 09/26/02
Posts: 17529
Loc: Québec City, Qc
Moi not comprendre ouate de phoque de koss tu dis.
Can you exprime yourself dans une langue que tout le monde can understand?


#150262 - 03/02/06 04:18 PM Re: FUCK YOU QUEBEC!
blcmagic Offline
Post Master Supreme

Registered: 03/27/02
Posts: 17099
Loc: canadia
*so confused*
The G2 Racer: "Uh, almost every large company operates at a lost."
c2k: "you need a 400whp NEON! it's hella cute to most ladies, y0"

#150263 - 03/02/06 06:49 PM Re: FUCK YOU QUEBEC!
big tuner Offline
Post Master Supreme

Registered: 02/16/01
Posts: 20110
Loc: Oakville, Ontario, Canada

#150264 - 03/03/06 09:33 AM Re: FUCK YOU QUEBEC!
slow_dx Offline
Post Master

Registered: 06/04/02
Posts: 2924
Loc: Winnipeg, MB
I detest the emo smiley.
"Hugh, what I think would scare the shit out of these al Qaeda guys more than any cruise missile... would be the sight of U.S. commandos, Ninja guys in black suits, jumping out of helicopters into their camps, spraying machine guns. Even if we don't get the big guys, it will have a good effect."

-- Bill Clinton

#150265 - 03/03/06 04:51 PM Re: FUCK YOU QUEBEC!
big tuner Offline
Post Master Supreme

Registered: 02/16/01
Posts: 20110
Loc: Oakville, Ontario, Canada

#150266 - 03/05/06 07:39 PM Re: FUCK YOU QUEBEC!
slow_dx Offline
Post Master

Registered: 06/04/02
Posts: 2924
Loc: Winnipeg, MB
2/10 - Predictable.

Couldn't you have scaled that bitch up to 800x600 or something?
"Hugh, what I think would scare the shit out of these al Qaeda guys more than any cruise missile... would be the sight of U.S. commandos, Ninja guys in black suits, jumping out of helicopters into their camps, spraying machine guns. Even if we don't get the big guys, it will have a good effect."

-- Bill Clinton

#150267 - 03/05/06 07:53 PM Re: FUCK YOU QUEBEC!
blcmagic Offline
Post Master Supreme

Registered: 03/27/02
Posts: 17099
Loc: canadia
The G2 Racer: "Uh, almost every large company operates at a lost."
c2k: "you need a 400whp NEON! it's hella cute to most ladies, y0"

#150268 - 03/06/06 09:55 AM Re: FUCK YOU QUEBEC!
f22b-dohc Offline
Post Master Supreme

Registered: 09/09/05
Posts: 11227
Loc: canadia
i can say the hail mary in french.

i went to a catholic school named after peter the door
JB weld is your friend
Chewbacca makes me yawn *Yawn*
"rolling -----on my 2.0, with the rag top down so my hair can blow..."

#150269 - 03/06/06 09:21 PM Re: FUCK YOU QUEBEC!
big tuner Offline
Post Master Supreme

Registered: 02/16/01
Posts: 20110
Loc: Oakville, Ontario, Canada
#150270 - 03/07/06 12:44 AM Re: FUCK YOU QUEBEC!
tropicana Offline
Post Master Supreme

Registered: 09/26/02
Posts: 17529
Loc: Québec City, Qc
D'la poutine, c'est dé frites, d'la sauce pis du p'tit fromage blanc qui fait squouishe squouishe
#150271 - 03/07/06 02:43 PM Re: FUCK YOU QUEBEC!
Kluster Offline
Post Master Supreme

Registered: 06/15/01
Posts: 12700
Loc: Canada
dla poutine avec dla sauce blanche c'est bon aussi mais ça bas pas celle avec de la bonne sauce à spégati.
#150272 - 03/07/06 02:58 PM Re: FUCK YOU QUEBEC!
f22b-dohc Offline
Post Master Supreme

Registered: 09/09/05
Posts: 11227
Loc: canadia
why do some french canadians feel like english is being jammed down their throat when i was forced to take french throughout gradeschool and one course in highschool?

i'l fait froid
JB weld is your friend
Chewbacca makes me yawn *Yawn*
"rolling -----on my 2.0, with the rag top down so my hair can blow..."

#150273 - 03/07/06 03:31 PM Re: FUCK YOU QUEBEC!
tropicana Offline
Post Master Supreme

Registered: 09/26/02
Posts: 17529
Loc: Québec City, Qc

why do some french canadians feel like english is being jammed down their throat when i was forced to take french throughout gradeschool and one course in highschool?

i'l fait froid

You're just an isolated case?

#150274 - 03/07/06 09:09 PM Re: FUCK YOU QUEBEC!
f22b-dohc Offline
Post Master Supreme

Registered: 09/09/05
Posts: 11227
Loc: canadia


why do some french canadians feel like english is being jammed down their throat when i was forced to take french throughout gradeschool and one course in highschool?

i'l fait froid

You're just an isolated case?

no no, had a paper and i got that francophones feel that way.
im from ontario, french is mandatory.
JB weld is your friend
Chewbacca makes me yawn *Yawn*
"rolling -----on my 2.0, with the rag top down so my hair can blow..."

#150275 - 03/07/06 10:09 PM Re: FUCK YOU QUEBEC!
tropicana Offline
Post Master Supreme

Registered: 09/26/02
Posts: 17529
Loc: Québec City, Qc
Well, pretty much everywhere in the Western World, they will teach you a second language in school.

And, may I remind you, French is an official language in Canada

#150276 - 03/08/06 09:41 AM Re: FUCK YOU QUEBEC!
f22b-dohc Offline
Post Master Supreme

Registered: 09/09/05
Posts: 11227
Loc: canadia

Well, pretty much everywhere in the Western World, they will teach you a second language in school.

And, may I remind you, French is an official language in Canada

yes and no one complains like the frech in quebec
JB weld is your friend
Chewbacca makes me yawn *Yawn*
"rolling -----on my 2.0, with the rag top down so my hair can blow..."

#150277 - 03/08/06 01:35 PM Re: FUCK YOU QUEBEC!
slow_dx Offline
Post Master

Registered: 06/04/02
Posts: 2924
Loc: Winnipeg, MB


Well, pretty much everywhere in the Western World, they will teach you a second language in school.

And, may I remind you, French is an official language in Canada

yes and no one complains like the frech in quebec

Wait, is this thread about FUCK YOU QUEBEC again?

I <3 Quebec. Can I still post here?
"Hugh, what I think would scare the shit out of these al Qaeda guys more than any cruise missile... would be the sight of U.S. commandos, Ninja guys in black suits, jumping out of helicopters into their camps, spraying machine guns. Even if we don't get the big guys, it will have a good effect."

-- Bill Clinton

#150278 - 03/08/06 01:51 PM Re: FUCK YOU QUEBEC!
tropicana Offline
Post Master Supreme

Registered: 09/26/02
Posts: 17529
Loc: Québec City, Qc


Well, pretty much everywhere in the Western World, they will teach you a second language in school.

And, may I remind you, French is an official language in Canada

yes and no one complains like the frech in quebec

Wait...who said that :

"why do some french canadians feel like english is being jammed down their throat when i was forced to take french throughout gradeschool and one course in highschool?

#150279 - 03/09/06 07:47 AM Re: FUCK YOU QUEBEC!
f22b-dohc Offline
Post Master Supreme

Registered: 09/09/05
Posts: 11227
Loc: canadia



Well, pretty much everywhere in the Western World, they will teach you a second language in school.

And, may I remind you, French is an official language in Canada

yes and no one complains like the frech in quebec

Wait...who said that :

"why do some french canadians feel like english is being jammed down their throat when i was forced to take french throughout gradeschool and one course in highschool?

go dig up some books, listen to profs. im not the one to come up with that conclusion. i am re-stating it. i should have clarified that. but i should back up my sources.
JB weld is your friend
Chewbacca makes me yawn *Yawn*
"rolling -----on my 2.0, with the rag top down so my hair can blow..."

#150280 - 03/09/06 11:19 AM Re: FUCK YOU QUEBEC!
tropicana Offline
Post Master Supreme

Registered: 09/26/02
Posts: 17529
Loc: Québec City, Qc
I'm not saying you're full of shit. In fact, you are not far from the truth when you say the French complain all the fucking time.

But you, as an individual, looked a little foolish stating that the Quebecers complain all the time just when you're done complaining yourself.

#150281 - 03/09/06 11:27 AM Re: FUCK YOU QUEBEC!
f22b-dohc Offline
Post Master Supreme

Registered: 09/09/05
Posts: 11227
Loc: canadia

I'm not saying you're full of shit. In fact, you are not far from the truth when you say the French complain all the fucking time.

But you, as an individual, looked a little foolish stating that the Quebecers complain all the time just when you're done complaining yourself.

now ur implying im complaining.
JB weld is your friend
Chewbacca makes me yawn *Yawn*
"rolling -----on my 2.0, with the rag top down so my hair can blow..."

#150282 - 03/09/06 12:13 PM Re: FUCK YOU QUEBEC!
slow_dx Offline
Post Master

Registered: 06/04/02
Posts: 2924
Loc: Winnipeg, MB


I'm not saying you're full of shit. In fact, you are not far from the truth when you say the French complain all the fucking time.

But you, as an individual, looked a little foolish stating that the Quebecers complain all the time just when you're done complaining yourself.

now ur implying im complaining.

Who will win? Place bets now!
"Hugh, what I think would scare the shit out of these al Qaeda guys more than any cruise missile... would be the sight of U.S. commandos, Ninja guys in black suits, jumping out of helicopters into their camps, spraying machine guns. Even if we don't get the big guys, it will have a good effect."

-- Bill Clinton

#150283 - 03/09/06 04:06 PM Re: FUCK YOU QUEBEC!
blcmagic Offline
Post Master Supreme

Registered: 03/27/02
Posts: 17099
Loc: canadia
Well.. are those French Canadians or just regular frogs in blue?
The G2 Racer: "Uh, almost every large company operates at a lost."
c2k: "you need a 400whp NEON! it's hella cute to most ladies, y0"

#150284 - 03/09/06 06:18 PM Re: FUCK YOU QUEBEC!
f22b-dohc Offline
Post Master Supreme

Registered: 09/09/05
Posts: 11227
Loc: canadia
i like montreal.

smoking in clubs, dirty girls from the states... its great
JB weld is your friend
Chewbacca makes me yawn *Yawn*
"rolling -----on my 2.0, with the rag top down so my hair can blow..."

#150285 - 03/09/06 07:22 PM Re: FUCK YOU QUEBEC!
slow_dx Offline
Post Master

Registered: 06/04/02
Posts: 2924
Loc: Winnipeg, MB

Well.. are those French Canadians or just regular frogs in blue?

I don't think there were *any* French Canadians until after the war.
"Hugh, what I think would scare the shit out of these al Qaeda guys more than any cruise missile... would be the sight of U.S. commandos, Ninja guys in black suits, jumping out of helicopters into their camps, spraying machine guns. Even if we don't get the big guys, it will have a good effect."

-- Bill Clinton

#150286 - 03/09/06 07:45 PM Re: FUCK YOU QUEBEC!
blcmagic Offline
Post Master Supreme

Registered: 03/27/02
Posts: 17099
Loc: canadia
Are you sure?
The G2 Racer: "Uh, almost every large company operates at a lost."
c2k: "you need a 400whp NEON! it's hella cute to most ladies, y0"

#150287 - 03/09/06 08:01 PM Re: FUCK YOU QUEBEC!
slow_dx Offline
Post Master

Registered: 06/04/02
Posts: 2924
Loc: Winnipeg, MB

Are you sure?

Pretty sure. Let me get out my time machine to confirm for you.

Yep, none whatsoever.
"Hugh, what I think would scare the shit out of these al Qaeda guys more than any cruise missile... would be the sight of U.S. commandos, Ninja guys in black suits, jumping out of helicopters into their camps, spraying machine guns. Even if we don't get the big guys, it will have a good effect."

-- Bill Clinton

#150288 - 03/10/06 11:06 AM Re: FUCK YOU QUEBEC!
jsmonet Offline
Post Master Supreme

Registered: 11/13/99
Posts: 154229
Loc: So. Cali

#150289 - 03/10/06 11:56 AM Re: FUCK YOU QUEBEC!
f22b-dohc Offline
Post Master Supreme

Registered: 09/09/05
Posts: 11227
Loc: canadia
do u even know where quebec is?
JB weld is your friend
Chewbacca makes me yawn *Yawn*
"rolling -----on my 2.0, with the rag top down so my hair can blow..."

#150290 - 03/10/06 12:11 PM Re: FUCK YOU QUEBEC!
slow_dx Offline
Post Master

Registered: 06/04/02
Posts: 2924
Loc: Winnipeg, MB
There should be laws against giant smileys.
"Hugh, what I think would scare the shit out of these al Qaeda guys more than any cruise missile... would be the sight of U.S. commandos, Ninja guys in black suits, jumping out of helicopters into their camps, spraying machine guns. Even if we don't get the big guys, it will have a good effect."

-- Bill Clinton

#150291 - 03/10/06 12:13 PM Re: FUCK YOU QUEBEC!
jsmonet Offline
Post Master Supreme

Registered: 11/13/99
Posts: 154229
Loc: So. Cali
yeah, but that doesn't change the fact that i'm making insane requests and being a total dick

#150292 - 03/10/06 12:43 PM Re: FUCK YOU QUEBEC!
slow_dx Offline
Post Master

Registered: 06/04/02
Posts: 2924
Loc: Winnipeg, MB

yeah, but that doesn't change the fact that i'm making insane requests and being a total dick

Wait, how am I supposed to make fun of you if you're going to run around calling *yourself* a total dick? I find that EXTREMELY rude.
"Hugh, what I think would scare the shit out of these al Qaeda guys more than any cruise missile... would be the sight of U.S. commandos, Ninja guys in black suits, jumping out of helicopters into their camps, spraying machine guns. Even if we don't get the big guys, it will have a good effect."

-- Bill Clinton

#150293 - 03/10/06 12:43 PM Re: FUCK YOU QUEBEC!
jsmonet Offline
Post Master Supreme

Registered: 11/13/99
Posts: 154229
Loc: So. Cali
also, wasn't this post originally linking a post of mine in OT?

#150294 - 03/10/06 12:44 PM Re: FUCK YOU QUEBEC!
jsmonet Offline
Post Master Supreme

Registered: 11/13/99
Posts: 154229
Loc: So. Cali


yeah, but that doesn't change the fact that i'm making insane requests and being a total dick

Wait, how am I supposed to make fun of you if you're going to run around calling *yourself* a total dick? I find that EXTREMELY rude.

your FACE is rude *lol first grade insult*

#150295 - 03/10/06 01:30 PM Re: FUCK YOU QUEBEC!
slow_dx Offline
Post Master

Registered: 06/04/02
Posts: 2924
Loc: Winnipeg, MB



yeah, but that doesn't change the fact that i'm making insane requests and being a total dick

Wait, how am I supposed to make fun of you if you're going to run around calling *yourself* a total dick? I find that EXTREMELY rude.

your FACE is rude *lol first grade insult*

"Hugh, what I think would scare the shit out of these al Qaeda guys more than any cruise missile... would be the sight of U.S. commandos, Ninja guys in black suits, jumping out of helicopters into their camps, spraying machine guns. Even if we don't get the big guys, it will have a good effect."

-- Bill Clinton

#150296 - 03/10/06 03:49 PM Re: FUCK YOU QUEBEC!
blcmagic Offline
Post Master Supreme

Registered: 03/27/02
Posts: 17099
Loc: canadia
Goddammit why does everybody keep going on with the "your face" jokes?
I thought I was the only one left..
The G2 Racer: "Uh, almost every large company operates at a lost."
c2k: "you need a 400whp NEON! it's hella cute to most ladies, y0"

#150297 - 03/10/06 07:59 PM Re: FUCK YOU QUEBEC!
jsmonet Offline
Post Master Supreme

Registered: 11/13/99
Posts: 154229
Loc: So. Cali
your FACE is the only one left

grrrrr BOMB QUEBEC!!!!

#150298 - 03/10/06 09:00 PM Re: FUCK YOU QUEBEC!
blcmagic Offline
Post Master Supreme

Registered: 03/27/02
Posts: 17099
Loc: canadia
just don't bomb Toronto
The G2 Racer: "Uh, almost every large company operates at a lost."
c2k: "you need a 400whp NEON! it's hella cute to most ladies, y0"

#150299 - 03/11/06 12:06 PM Re: FUCK YOU QUEBEC!
tropicana Offline
Post Master Supreme

Registered: 09/26/02
Posts: 17529
Loc: Québec City, Qc
Wait, if you bomb Quebec, you'll kill all of my familie
I say bomb Ontario...and the new Ontario colony (west part of Montreal)

#150300 - 03/11/06 12:34 PM Re: FUCK YOU QUEBEC!
slow_dx Offline
Post Master

Registered: 06/04/02
Posts: 2924
Loc: Winnipeg, MB

Wait, if you bomb Quebec, you'll kill all of my familie
I say bomb Ontario...and the new Ontario colony (west part of Montreal)

Hurrah for the next FLQ crisis!
"Hugh, what I think would scare the shit out of these al Qaeda guys more than any cruise missile... would be the sight of U.S. commandos, Ninja guys in black suits, jumping out of helicopters into their camps, spraying machine guns. Even if we don't get the big guys, it will have a good effect."

-- Bill Clinton

#150301 - 03/11/06 03:16 PM Re: FUCK YOU QUEBEC!
blcmagic Offline
Post Master Supreme

Registered: 03/27/02
Posts: 17099
Loc: canadia
Yeah do the east part of Ontario. We don't need Ottawa anyways..
The G2 Racer: "Uh, almost every large company operates at a lost."
c2k: "you need a 400whp NEON! it's hella cute to most ladies, y0"

#150302 - 03/11/06 03:23 PM Re: FUCK YOU QUEBEC!
tropicana Offline
Post Master Supreme

Registered: 09/26/02
Posts: 17529
Loc: Québec City, Qc

Yeah do the east part of Ontario. We don't need Ottawa anyways..

Well at least we agree on something

#150303 - 03/11/06 05:04 PM Re: FUCK YOU QUEBEC!
blcmagic Offline
Post Master Supreme

Registered: 03/27/02
Posts: 17099
Loc: canadia
Don't you also think that Pat is super secksi?
The G2 Racer: "Uh, almost every large company operates at a lost."
c2k: "you need a 400whp NEON! it's hella cute to most ladies, y0"

#150304 - 03/12/06 05:00 PM Re: FUCK YOU QUEBEC!
Kluster Offline
Post Master Supreme

Registered: 06/15/01
Posts: 12700
Loc: Canada


Yeah do the east part of Ontario. We don't need Ottawa anyways..

Well at least we agree on something

Hey! Mangez toute ma graine!

#150305 - 03/12/06 05:49 PM Re: FUCK YOU QUEBEC!
tropicana Offline
Post Master Supreme

Registered: 09/26/02
Posts: 17529
Loc: Québec City, Qc
T'es tu a Ottawa?
NON. T'es a Gatineau. Ya pas de politiciens mange-marde dans ta ville

#150306 - 03/12/06 06:03 PM Re: FUCK YOU QUEBEC!
blcmagic Offline
Post Master Supreme

Registered: 03/27/02
Posts: 17099
Loc: canadia
Yeah! He's a Frenchie too!
The G2 Racer: "Uh, almost every large company operates at a lost."
c2k: "you need a 400whp NEON! it's hella cute to most ladies, y0"

#150307 - 03/12/06 06:07 PM Re: FUCK YOU QUEBEC!
f22b-dohc Offline
Post Master Supreme

Registered: 09/09/05
Posts: 11227
Loc: canadia

Yeah! He's a Frenchie too!

mmmmmm poutine..smoking in clubs in montreal,

i fukkin hate how non quebec plated cars get vandalized there...

jdm plate time next time i go back
JB weld is your friend
Chewbacca makes me yawn *Yawn*
"rolling -----on my 2.0, with the rag top down so my hair can blow..."

#150308 - 03/12/06 08:24 PM Re: FUCK YOU QUEBEC!
tropicana Offline
Post Master Supreme

Registered: 09/26/02
Posts: 17529
Loc: Québec City, Qc
I know.
I got vandalized IN MY HOME TOWN of Sherbrooke with my Mass plates.

Fucking idiotic, stupid, ignorant fucks.

#150309 - 03/12/06 08:30 PM Re: FUCK YOU QUEBEC!
blcmagic Offline
Post Master Supreme

Registered: 03/27/02
Posts: 17099
Loc: canadia

Fucking idiotic, stupid, ignorant fucks.

Gee.. who would have figured them to be anything like that?

So.. did that chick call you back?
The G2 Racer: "Uh, almost every large company operates at a lost."
c2k: "you need a 400whp NEON! it's hella cute to most ladies, y0"

#150310 - 03/12/06 08:43 PM Re: FUCK YOU QUEBEC!
tropicana Offline
Post Master Supreme

Registered: 09/26/02
Posts: 17529
Loc: Québec City, Qc
Oh don't get me wrong, 90% of the population of Canada falls into that category

We'll see that tomorrow concerning the chick. I hope she stabbed herself in the uterus.

#150311 - 03/13/06 01:55 PM Re: FUCK YOU QUEBEC!
Kluster Offline
Post Master Supreme

Registered: 06/15/01
Posts: 12700
Loc: Canada
So... Can your boys swim?
#150312 - 03/13/06 04:26 PM Re: FUCK YOU QUEBEC!
blcmagic Offline
Post Master Supreme

Registered: 03/27/02
Posts: 17099
Loc: canadia

Yeah, it's "tomorrow" now. Update yo!
The G2 Racer: "Uh, almost every large company operates at a lost."
c2k: "you need a 400whp NEON! it's hella cute to most ladies, y0"

#150313 - 03/13/06 11:18 PM Re: FUCK YOU QUEBEC!
tropicana Offline
Post Master Supreme

Registered: 09/26/02
Posts: 17529
Loc: Québec City, Qc
No news yet. I guess she was too drunk to remember wtf happened!
#150314 - 03/14/06 11:49 AM Re: FUCK YOU QUEBEC!
Post Master Sr

Registered: 01/23/06
Posts: 4452
Loc: GTA
^^ LUCKY GUY....
#150315 - 03/27/06 11:58 PM Re: FUCK YOU QUEBEC!
Shorty_SI Moderator Offline
Post Master Supreme

Registered: 06/18/01
Posts: 25674
Loc: Montreal, Canaduh

your FACE is the only one left

grrrrr BOMB QUEBEC!!!!

get outta my house asswart

#150316 - 03/31/06 12:02 PM Re: FUCK YOU QUEBEC!
blcmagic Offline
Post Master Supreme

Registered: 03/27/02
Posts: 17099
Loc: canadia
Ban him!
The G2 Racer: "Uh, almost every large company operates at a lost."
c2k: "you need a 400whp NEON! it's hella cute to most ladies, y0"

#150317 - 03/31/06 02:08 PM Re: FUCK YOU QUEBEC!
f22b-dohc Offline
Post Master Supreme

Registered: 09/09/05
Posts: 11227
Loc: canadia
hello quebec


toronto girls > mtl fille

yeah im bored
JB weld is your friend
Chewbacca makes me yawn *Yawn*
"rolling -----on my 2.0, with the rag top down so my hair can blow..."

#150318 - 03/31/06 09:42 PM Re: FUCK YOU QUEBEC!
Kluster Offline
Post Master Supreme

Registered: 06/15/01
Posts: 12700
Loc: Canada
You don't know what your missing *lawl*
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